Let’s crush your fitness goals together.


Personal Trainer. Running Coach.

Currently accepting new clients worldwide.

My name is Paige Liberski.

I specialize in

  • Functional Movement

  • Weight Training / Strength Training

  • Cardiorespiratory Fitness

  • Race Training / Run Coaching

  • Triathlon Coaching

As a fitness professional, I will work with you 1:1 to achieve your goals. I will cater your program specifically to your past, where you are now, and where you want to go in the future.

What People Are Saying


“I knew NOTHING about weight lifting when I started working with Paige. I found her on Instagram and she seemed like she would be a good fit for what I needed. She helped me so much with form and I feel confident going to the gym on my own now!”

— Katie

“I had been running for about 3 months before I found Paige. I wanted to get a 5k under 40 minutes but had no clue how to work on my speed. She wrote me a plan that helped me reach my goals in about 2 months! I can’t wait to see how much faster I can get.”

— Carolyn

“As a guy I wasn’t sure if a female coach would be a good fit…but I was proven wrong. I wanted a coach to help me with the running aspect of an upcoming triathlon and wanted someone with that experience. Thank you Paige for helping my confidence in my tri!!!!”

— Mike